Head of House
Miss Ellen Murphy
House Captains:
Rutherford House is named after the famous scientist Ernest Rutherford who was known as the father of nuclear physics and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1908.
We look after over 280 students who are split into 10 Form groups. We have a weekly assembly which often includes outside speakers and covers a vast range of topics.
We are very proud to say that since 2008 we have raised over £8600 for various charities including Comic Relief, Sport Relief, Cry in the Dark and Hand in Hand, this would not be possible without the overwhelming support of our students, parents and staff. We hold a Quiz Night every year which is attended by staff, students and parents and has become a regular fixture in the school calendar. This year we introduced ‘The Great Stanway Bake Off’ which proved very popular with both staff and students and also helped us to raise a large amount of money.
In 2012 we became House Champions after successfully winning enough points over the year during various inter house competitions. Competitions are varied and include sporting, creative and academic topics. Again this win was due to the enthusiasm and organisation of our students and form tutors.
We are very proud to be part of Rutherford House.