The Stanway School is committed to providing opportunities for our young people to develop and enhance their leadership skills. For the 2020-2021 academic year, we have appointed an excellent prefect team, who have already shown fantastic commitment to numerous, newly created working groups.
House Captains and Deputy House Captains
Following the school’s move to delivering pastoral care through a year system, we were keen to maintain and build on the legacy of our historic House system. As a result, we have appointed five House Captains, all of which are part of the Head Student Team. We have also appointed five enthusiastic Deputy House Captains to offer assistance. These students are responsible for maintaining the unique community feel of our Houses, as well as promoting and fostering a competitive spirit for inter house competitions. They are also responsible for leading the team of inter house coordinators.
Inter House Coordinators
These prefects are split into two sub-groups. These are PE inter house coordinators and non-PE inter house coordinators. These students are responsible for promoting upcoming inter house competitions, organising teams for the competitions, ensuring all runs smoothly on the day, and most importantly, motivating the students to do their best and hopefully win for their House!
Charity Prefects
We have a proud tradition at the Stanway School of supporting a number of charities both locally and nationally. Previously, money had been raised within Houses. However, with the move to a Year system it was important that this tradition was not lost and we continue to fundraise and support charities we have offered our commitment to. Prefects part of this working group are responsible for liaising with key staff and supporting the school’s continued fundraising efforts, whilst also adapting to the constraints imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Year and School Council Prefects
We understand the importance of student voice in our continued pursuit of excellence at the Stanway School. We are keen to enhance the prestige of the Year and School council, so students feel they are able to contribute to meaningful developments across the school. These prefects will work to improve understanding of the positive effects the Year and School councils can have across the school, arrange agendas for upcoming meetings, and chair and take minutes at the meetings; leading a group of form representatives from different year groups in the process.
Lower School Buddies
We appreciate how much older students can support the younger students within the school. Our lower school buddies are fantastic role models and are keen to support Year 7 and 8 students in their adaptation to secondary school life. These prefects offer current, relevant advice to our lower school students, having successfully adapted and flourished over their years at the Stanway School.
Clubs Prefects
We are proud to offer an array of extra-curricular activities for all our students to participate in. From VEX club, to debating club, to our successful sports teams, there is so much to get involved in at the Stanway School. Our clubs prefects are attached to clubs across the school to support key staff in delivering exciting, motivating and enjoyable activities. These prefects are also in the process of consulting staff on the creation of new clubs; targeting gaps in our current extra-curricular offer to improve the experience of students at the school.
Prom Committee
Otherwise known as the ‘promcom’, these students are responsible for working with the lovely Mrs Abbott, to plan and organise the end of Year 11 showpiece. The Stanway School has always thrown a memorable end of year celebration for Year 11, and we have no doubts that the 2021 Prom (Covid-19 permitting) will be unlike no other!