School Information

Address: Winstree Road
Phone: 01206 575488
General Email:

Student absence:

[email protected]

[email protected]


School Opening Hours (Term Time):

School commences at 8.40am and finishes at 3.15pm  –  Totalling 32 hours 55 minutes each week:

08:40 - 09:05 - AM Registration
09:05 - 10:05 - Period 1
10:05 - 11:05 - Period 2
11:05 - 11:30 - Break
11:30 - 12:30 - Period 3
12:30 - 13:05 - Lunch (Years 7,8 & 10)
12:30 - 13:30 - Period 4 (Years 9 & 11)
13:05 - 14:05 - Period 4 (Years 7,8 & 10)
13:30 - 14:05 - Lunch (Years 9 & 11)
14:05 - 14:15 - PM Registration
14:15 - 15:15 - Period 5

School Office Opening Hours (Term Time):

Monday – Thursday – 8:00am – 4:00pm
Friday 8:00am – 3:30pm

Executive Headteacher – Jonathan Bland

Head of School – John Player

Chair of Governors – Stephen Whitfield


*Parents are entitled by law to be able to request any content from this website as a paper copy. Should you require this, please contact [email protected].

E-Safety Parent info

Online Self-Harm – Facts and Advice

Online self-harm can be a very serious issue and can require specialised intervention to give a child or young person the help they desperately need. Internet matters have put together some facts and advice for parents.

Online Safety for Foster Carers

Internet Matters have created an incredible set of resources for foster carers. They’re all free and go into a very wide range of issues along with useful advice and guidance including videos in 4 modules: Understanding, Empowering, Nurturing and Flourishing.

Digital family agreement

A digital family agreement is one way in which parents can strike up conversations with their children and agree online boundaries, such as time, phones at the table etc. This sets clear rules for the child and when broken, they will understand that there can be consequences.
London Grid for Learning have put together a new digital family agreement which can help with this process.  

Young people can request Google remove images from search results

The legal right to be forgotten has been around since 2014 but recently Google have extended this. Now, any person under the age of 18 (or their parents/guardians) can fill in a form and request that one or more images are removed from Google search results.
You can read more in a TechCrunch article (including a link to the form)Here


CEOP have released some new resources that may be useful.  They include some help sheets and a few videos. AskTheAwkward is about helping with difficult conversations related to online relationships and is mainly geared towards secondary students.You can find out more, including the download links Here

Education Business Awards