Go4Schools – A guide for Parents/Carers
Go4Schools is an online school data system which gives parents, carers and students access to attainment information and reports throughout the year.
It is on GO4schools that teachers log assessment data as well as attitude to learning and attendance. This data is then used to inform teaching in the classroom, appropriate interventions as well as many other bespoke strategies to help all our students fulfil their potential.
How to register and login to Go4Schools?
Firstly, you need to go to www.go4schools.com and click on the ‘Login’ link at the top right hand side of the page. This will produce a drop-down menu. Please choose the “Parent Login”.

If you are logging in for the first time then you need to enter your designated email address in the ‘First time User?’ section of the page and then click on ‘Please send me a Password’ (This is the email address you have already registered with the school). This will email a password to that designated email address. When you have received this password you will need to re-enter your email address in the ‘Welcome’ section at the top of the page along with the password that you have been sent and click ‘Log in’
For a demonstration video on how to login as a parent, please following this link.

Reports on Go4Schools
For a detailed explanation of our reports and the information that is available to you through Go4Schools, please see the document below:

Frequently Asked Questions:
I have lost my password – what do I do?
Go to the GO 4 Schools website, click the ‘Parents’ icon and follow the ‘Forgotten your password’ instructions.
My email address is not recognised – why is this?
Only email addresses registered with the school are recognised by GO 4 Schools. If your email address is not recognised it means that we do not hold that email address on our system. In order to update your contact information please contact us.
Who can access my child’s data on GO 4 Schools?
You, as the registered parent/carer, the student themselves and academy staff are the only people who can access your child’s progress data.
When and how often should I access GO 4 Schools?
Student information is available constantly so that you can access it when you wish. Progress and report data is updated on a termly basis, so as the school year progresses more academic information will become available. We will notify you as and when new reports are published.