The House System

The House System

The Stanway School has five Houses: Gainsborough, Rutherford, Shakespeare, Wellington and Nightingale. These Houses form mini schools within the whole school so that your child is known, supported and cared for.

When students join the school, they are placed in a form group in one of these houses and they will normally stay in this form during your time here. Each House has a Head of House, who is a member of the teaching staff, and an Assistant Head of House, who is a member of the support staff. Together, with the Form Tutors, they play a vital role in supporting students during their time at the school, and should always be your first point of contact if you have any questions or concerns whilst at school.

Throughout the school year inter-house competitions are organised and students will be expected to take part in as many events as possible. The winners of each competition are awarded a House trophy and points, which will determine who the overall winner is at the end of the year.

Another important role of the Houses is to raise funds and awareness for their chosen charities. Each House organises events during the year from individual sponsored silences to whole school runs. We hope that everyone gets involved and tries new activities in the spirit of coming together as a community to compete, challenge and learn.

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